Community Voices Heard would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the following supporters.
Amalgamated Bank
Bridge Philanthropic
Brooklyn Movement Center (Fund for the City of NY
Citizen Action
Common Counsel (Veatch)*
Elias Foundation
Enterprise Legal Services
Ford Foundation
Fund to Build Grassroot Power (Windward)*
Fund to Build Grassroots Power*
Groundswell Rapid Response Fund*
Jessie Smith Noyes*
Lily Auchincloss
Mertz Gilmore*
Neighborhood First Fund
New York Foundation
New York Women's Foundation*
North Star
North Star/ Let Us Breathe
Oak Foundation
Open Society Foundation
Page & Otto Marx Foundation
Morris L. Parshelsky Foundation
People's Action Institute
Robert Wood Johnson/ Homes Guarantee
Rockefeller Brothers Fund*
Rowboat Family Foundation
Scherman Foundation
ShannahLey Foundation
Solidaire Network*
Tides Movement Voter Fund
Unitarian Universalist Veatch
Westchester Community Fund*

If you would like to support our work to uplift low-income communities of color, please reach out to info@cvhaction.org.
Thank you!