Tax dollars are public money that should be used to make our lives better.
Investing in people and communities is what creates a thriving economy because the economy is driven by people – our skills, our work, and our spending. Thus, public money should be spent to make life manageable for all New Yorkers by investing in affordable housing, quality education, living wage employment, and healthy environments.
Equitable development is about revitalizing disinvested communities by ensuring that all residents – especially those impacted by systemic racism – can shape how public money is used and benefit from economic growth.
CVH is fighting to ensure that public money – our tax dollars – are used to improve all of our lives and foster communities that are healthy and vibrant.
We are also committed to advancing an open democracy, where the most impacted communities control the laws, institutions, and policies that are meant to serve us.
In Newburgh and Poughkeepsie, CVH is fighting to ensure that federal American Rescue Plan dollars go toward the needs identified by people most impacted by COVID-19 for an equitable recovery from the pandemic. Join us!