We need to hear what issues matter most to you so we know which campaigns to take on in 2025. Take the survey.
Possible issues include:
Public Housing; this may include:
Preservation and improvement of existing public housing
Expansion of public housing developments
Increasing funding for public housing maintenance and repairs
Private Affordable Housing; this may include:
Incentives for private developers to build affordable units
Expanding housing voucher programs (e.g., Section 8)
Stricter code enforcement and regular safety inspections for private affordable housing
Rent Regulation; this may include:
Expanding rent control/stabilization to more units
Strengthening existing rent control laws
Limiting annual rent increases
Tenant Rights and Housing Conditions; this may include:
Eviction prevention (including right to counsel, Good Cause eviction)
Housing conditions
Right to organize
Financial Security; this may include:
Living wage jobs
Universal Basic Income
Ensuring the rich pay their fair share
Healthcare; this may include:
Affordable healthcare options
Community health centers
Expansion of mental health services
Childhood Education; this may include:
School funding equity
After-school programs
Adult education opportunities
Higher Education; this may include:
Make CUNY free
Forgive student loans
Provide vocational training
Police Accountability; this may include:
Civilian oversight boards
Body camera policies
Community policing initiatives
Criminal Justice Reform; this may include:
Restorative justice programs
Alternatives to incarceration
Reentry support
Immigrant Justice; this may include:
Language access services
Support for mixed-status families
Comprehensive support services for new arrivals
Climate Justice; this may include:
Air and water quality
Green spaces in urban areas
Climate change resilience
Public transportation; this may include:
Affordable fares
Service improvements
Food security; this may include:
Access to fresh affordable food
SNAP benefits protection
Community gardens (& increased support for local food banks)
Childcare and Family Support; this may include:
Affordable childcare options
Paid family leave
Expanding free after-school care options
Political Participation; this may include:
Reducing barriers to voting
Same-day voter registration
Making Election Day a holiday